Saturday, 1 January 2011

(´ω`pq|*A HAPPY NEW YEAR*|pq´ω`)


( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡 Hello everyone !
Its new year so, I hope you all a great 2011!
I spent my new years home with the family.... We didnt do much actually...
we bought an icecream cake and went to the harbour abit before 12 to see the fireworks.
I was actually in a bad mood the whole of yesterday so I didnt reall enjoy it .

I also cut my hair...It needs to grow out abit...And needs to be dyed..but its fine for a temporary cut 〜(・▽・〜).

Made any new years resolution?

To dye My hair a lighter color.
Try to comment on all new updates on blogs I follow.
Be kinder to my friends...
Handel money better.
Save up for things on my wishlist.Circlelenses,extentions,eyelashes,brands blah blah blah.

kk. thats all for now.Ilu all.Peace !

1 comment:

Tamaneko said...

You are very lucky that you can fit circle lenses ;=; my eyes are weird, so I can't wear them T-T