Monday 27 December 2010

.。.:*・゚Merry X'mas:*・゚。:.*

Hello everybody ! (*・ω・)
I know its abit late but Im doin my christmas post !

Well I went home for christmas and christmas eve.
My parents spent most the time making the christmas dinner so we ended up doing nothing on christmas eve.

but on christmas morning we opened all the gifts....I was AMAZED about how many there were !

Here is some pics; ( sorry so many !)

1; All the sweets I got
2;A Plushie from my SA Grandmother
3;A make up mirror from my mother
4;A plushie from...well where im living atm
5;A fur scarf! from a rabbit....poor rabbit.
6;A Madame and Eve comic.From my SA Grandmother
7;Some Foam and blig stickers haha~
8; Some...fur? its leggings~
9;Some more chocolate.... ¨
12; A Super Junior clothing tag from my friend
13;Bunch of Korean CDs from my FIN.Gran~~~
14;Real pearl and porceline necklace~(came with matching braclet)
15;My Lizlisa shirt~
16; All my Nail related gifts !
17;Harajuku lovers perfume ;Angel,From my dad!
18;Pencil case full of Toffee~
19; A geisha figurine
20; Mascara
21; cute jewelry from my sister~
22;H&M Gift Card

Wow....Longest list of presents Ive ever gotten....

wwww In other news I got moar eyelashes and I found amazing nail ideas.

I love this Music videos storyline ! (it should be made into a drama (y))
The song is also super catchy!

Sunday 19 December 2010

Christmas in the air.

My liz Lisa has FINALLY arrived.
I only got my Dress and eyelashes atm,since they are actually mostly xmas gifts from my parents.ehehe.(broke child)(*´ο`*)=3

(sorry but the only place I could take pictures that day didnt have space for the underhalf)
but anyway,
Its christmas soon!
My school is out!
we had a little class chistmas party.

And then we had a school christmas party.
It was pretty boring but Im happy to be off school,And I got some lovely gifts from my friends.

Hopefully Ill get to see some of my friends during the holiday,Although I dont want to show my face without any gifts.Ill go christmas shopping tomorrrow!

Ill end this post with the song I start my day with atm.It keeps me positive !

Monday 22 November 2010


Due to circumstances I dont have photos D:,so Ill try to make this as short as possible.

First day:
at about 8:30 I left to helsinki
and at about 10:45 I arrived to helsinki,where my friend picked me up (thank you!)
when we got to gloria I met up with friends,we mixed and matched until the was only 3 of us left...
anyways.... we went to see HITT,It was lovely !
we didnt stay for the night party.

we got a lift from a friend ! After hearing feedback of his driving I was pretty scared...but it went smoothly

second day:
I wasnt in my kigu the whole day that day.
We suffered the heat enough on the first day...
We went to two gigs that day and it was fun !

again...due to circumstances I cant be too detailed..-Please fogive me till next time!

Monday 8 November 2010

First post bitchsssss : D

Well I guess there aint more to say than this is my new blog <3
Ill try to update it atleast once a week.Ill just fill it up with whatever I find interesting : DD

ok! Ill be writing soon! baaaai ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ